Sunday, March 27, 2011


I'm trying to catch up on some of our adventures from the last little while. One big update from last month is that we bought a ukulele named which I have named, appropriately, Ukie. We bought Ukie at a specialised ukulele store in Spitalfields called The Duke of Uke (only a city the size of London would be able to support its own specialised uke store). It was lots of fun trying out the different sizes - soprano, concert and tenor (we didn't try any of the baritone ukes which are quite large). Each one we tried had a very unique sound and look with lots of variation in the type of material (some were wood and others were laminate). We had a tough choice but in the end Ukie won out with her beautiful colour and sound. Ukie is the middle 'concert' size and made of Hawaiian koa wood. We are both enjoying learning to play some new favourites!


  1. I'm so pleased you've joined the ukulele family. So fun! I highly recommend for music--you can find lots of songs and many of the songs include the uke chords (or you can just use the guitar chords, but the uke chords are better!). Have a great time!

  2. We're looking forward to some uke jamming when we get back home!
